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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Inopras` International Arbitration practice ______ extensive experience to the __________ of complex, high value _____________ business disputes through commercial __ investment treaty arbitration. Inopra _______ clients in dispute resolution _______ various alternative dispute resolution __________, including arbitration and mediation, _______ involving in costly and _______ litigation measures.
Our legal experts represent _______ before local and international ___________ tribunals and in individually ________ ADR proceedings such as ___ International Chamber of Commerce (___), the American Arbitration Association (___), the International Center for _______ Resolution (ICDR), London Court __ International Arbitration (LCIA), the _____________ Center for Settlement of __________ Disputes (ICSID), German Institution __ Arbitration (DIS), panels governed __ the United Nations Commission __ International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) ___ many others, to ensure ____ legal differences are solved __ efficiently as possible.

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